Dental Costs Soaring Across Canada as Fee Guides Get Updated
August 17, 2023
Census 2021 Indigenous Languages Across Canada
March 29, 2023
ADPH Leads Consensus on Child Oral Health
The Government must act urgently to reverse the increasing inequality in child oral health in England.
Last week, a survey of oral health in five-year-old children, produced as part of the National Dental Epidemiology Programme, found that in 2022, over 35% of children in areas of deprivation experienced dentinal decay in comparison to only 13.5% in more affluent areas.
Fluoride: Assessment for Developmental Neurotoxicity
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans.
Special Issue: Advancing the Behavioural and Social Sciences to Promote Oral Health
Behavioral and Social Theories, Models, Conceptual Frameworks, and Mechanisms Related to Oral Health
Reflections on oral health inequalities: Theories, pathways and next steps for research priorities
Conceptualizing inequities and oppression in oral health research
Use of Multiple and Novel Methodologies in Social and Behavioral Research and Practice Related to Oral Health
Challenges in operationalizing conceptual models in aetiological research
Causal inference in dentistry: Time to move forward
The Necessity of qualitative research for advancing oral health
How to use mixed methods in oral health research
Why and how we can use data linkage in oral health research: a narrative review
Methods to madness: The utility of complex systems science in a mad, mad world
From micro to macro: Structural determinants and oral health
Intervention Science: Developing and Testing Behavioral and Social Science Approaches to Promote Oral Health
Behavioural and social oral health intervention research: Looking to the future
Inequities and oral health: A behavioural sciences perspective
Behavioural medicine theory-based intervention strategies for promoting oral health
Dissemination and Implementation for Oral Health
Evaluating childsmile, Scotland's National Oral Health Improvement Programme for children
De-implementing opioid prescribing in a dental group practice: Lessons learned
Harnessing the behavioral and social sciences to promote oral health: Where do we go from here?
The Smile Gap:
A History of Oral Health and Social Inequality
World Cavity-Free Future Day 2022 – October 14, 2022
- Postcard one: Keep Brushing, Keep Smiling
- Postcard two: A family that brushes together, smiles together
- Postcard three: Brush Now, Save Later
- Postcard four: Brush on the go
- Postcard five: Fluoride toothpaste keeps your teeth strong
- Postcard six: Why not try some delicious sugar-free treats
- Postcard seven: We brush better when we brush together
- Postcard eight: A little change makes a big difference
- Postcard nine: Build healthy habits
- Postcard ten: Go shopping for oral hygiene
Effects of Racism:
Effects of Discrimination:
American Indian/Alaska Native, Black, and Hispanic dentists' experiences of discrimination
Slipping through the cracks: Just how underrepresented are minorities within the dental specialties?
Anti-Racist Solutions for Research:
Addressing Black men's oral health through community engaged research and workforce recruitment
Anti-Racist Solutions for Education:
Racial and oral health equity in dental school curricula
Anti-Racist Solutions for Practice, Advocacy and Workforce:
Undermining racism: A road to promoting equity in oral health
Undoing structural racism in dentistry: Advocacy for dental therapy
Oral Health in America- Advances and Challenges
Oral Health in America Editors Issue Guidance for Improving Oral Health for All:
Oral Health in America 2021: Making a Case for Curricular Change
Dental Public Health Practice, Infrastructure, and Workforce in the United States
Fluorides and Other Preventive Strategies for Tooth Decay
Providing Health Screenings in a Dental Setting to Enhance Overall Health Outcomes
Innovative Models of Dental Care Delivery and Coverage
Oral Health Disparities Across the Life Span
Role of Dentists in Prescribing Opioid Analgesics and Antibiotics
The Intersection of Clinical Practice and Dental Public Health
The Expanding Dental Workforce
Thank you contributors and volunteers who make this possible for the CAPHD membership!